

Don Kinsey

By Bruce Williams

Don Kinsey

Don Kinsey

The Victorian Historic Racing Register has lost one of its most loved and respected members Don Kinsey this week.

Don passed away peacefully on Wednesday following a short illness.

He was the highest profile member the VHRR, having MC’d at every event the club ran for at least 20 years.

He will be remembered for his commentary, in particular at Phillip Island and his ‘live’ interviews at the event. He was instrumental in assisting our junior members at workshops where his skill in communication was imparted with such passion. Very recently he was instrumental in achieving some major sponsorship for the Phillip Island event from Bursons/Autobarn.

Don was the epitome of a communicator: his charm, wit and warmth were unequalled anywhere. Everyone felt at ease in his presence. His personal presentation always immaculate.

Of course Don life was much more than just the VHRR. His presence at the Australian Grand Prix in the commentary box and in the paddock was a huge asset to that event. He also commentated at Rob Roy, Historic Winton and many other vintage events.

His work for charities was the stuff of Legend – advisor for 30 years and later Patron of the Uncle Bob’s Club, Foundation Director of the Mazda Foundation, The Good Friday Appeal and so on.

Don presented training lectures to the volunteer guides at the Shrine of Remembrance and acted as master of ceremonies at various ceremonies associated with the Shrine. Don had been involved with Royal South Street Society and for many years. He chaired the finals of the Herald/Sun Aria competition on a number of occasions.