
Hearing called for scary Super2 smash

By Thomas Miles

A verdict on the horrifying crash for Cameron McLeod is yet to be determined with a hearing adjourned in the aftermath of the Perth SuperSprint.

The final Dunlop Series race at Wanneroo ended early after a violent crash that saw McLeod’s Coke Commodore roll a number of times before finally coming to rest on the inside of the track just over the hump on the main straight.

The crash occurred after contact was made between the PremiAir racer and Eggleston Motorsport’s Cooper Murray in similar scenes to Scott Pye 2013.

Zach Bates was named the race and round winner, but a Motorsport Australia spokesperson confirmed the Super2 results remain provisional due to the hearing.

“The Stewards convened a hearing following the Super2 race regarding the contact between cars 88 and 92. It was part heard and adjourned to a date to be fixed,” a Motorsport Australia spokesperson statement said.

“Results remain provisional until the hearing has concluded.”

Following the scary crash where McLeod rolled three times before landing heavily on his wheels, he got out of the car unhurt.

After the race Murray went to McLeod’s garage to check on his welfare.

“I’m alright,” McLeod told

“A bit of a shitty end to the weekend, but if we can push on from this pretty scary incident… we were flying through the air for a little bit.

“I chatted to Cooper, we’re all good, no bad blood between us.”

The lead up to the incident started at Kolb Corner where Aaron Cameron dived down the inside of McLeod.

This put the #92 on the defensive, trying to stop Murray from also sneaking down the inside on corner exit.

But as McLeod tried to cover, there was enough of an overlap to spark contact.

Suddenly the Coke Commodore speared off at the fastest point of the track and as the cars came over the rise, McLeod was horrifyingly barrel-rolling.

Murray reflected on the incident in the Super2 press conference and felt sorry about the end result.

“Obviously it’s unfortunate because you never want to see a car that wrecked,” he said.

“Coming out of turn six I had overlap on Cameron, so going down the straight he started to squeeze me more and more to the right side of the track while I had the overlap.

“Then it got to a certain point where I couldn’t turn any more right and he kept turning. 

“I’m a racer at heart and not going to back out, and if I turn him then that’s what happens.

“I hope he’s okay. I saw that it was a really big crash when I was watching the replays, so my best wishes to him.”

Image: Fox Sports


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