

Josh Fife steps up to Super2 - Photo: Supplied

By Bruce Williams

Josh Fife steps up to Super2 - Photo: Supplied

Josh Fife steps up to Super2 – Photo: Supplied

Brad Jones Racing has confirmed that Josh Fife will progress into Super2 next year driving the Holden VF Commodore vacated by Jack Smith as he embarks on his maiden full-season Supercars Championship campaign.


Fife makes the move after competing in Super3 last season, chalking up two race wins and a round victory that placed him fifth in the final series standings. A highly successful karter, Fife was the youngest winner the KZ2 and DD2 Australian titles in 2017, before making his debut in cars last season.

The Canberra driver also finished fifth at the SKUSA nationals in Las Vegas competing in the competitive S1 class and was voted by his peers as Driver’s Driver for the Australian Kart Championship series.

Fife is eager to make the leap into Supercars’ second-tier next season and hopeful he can make an impact.

“I am really excited to step up to Super2 with Brad Jones Racing in 2020,” said Fife.

“I’m thankful for this opportunity and the new challenges it will bring. It’s a big step up from Super3, and I’m really looking forward to getting to race on street circuits.

“The field is full of very talented drivers so it will be a great chance for me to increase my skill level. I can’t thank Brad, Kim and my sponsors enough for the opportunity and I can’t wait to kick off the season.”

The 20th anniversary of the Super2 Series in 2020 will offer a $500,000 scholarship prize pool for the first time split between a $400,000 prize to the series winner and a further $100,000 for the top rookie.

Team owner Brad Jones feels that Fife will be a contender for the rookie of the year prize.

“I’m really excited at the prospect of Josh joining us and moving up into Super2.” Jones said.

“We finished the year off with his first win in Super3 and I feel like he’s going to be in a good position to fight for the Rookie of the Year Championship and I can’t wait for the season to start.”

The livery of Fife’s Holden Commodore will be unveiled in the new year before the 2020 Super2 Series kicks off with the traditional opener in Adelaide.

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