
Hughes keen to win TA2 again

Jarrod Hughes

By Thomas Miles

Super2 youngster Jarrod Hughes is returning to the TA2 Muscle Car Series and hopes to replicate his debut heroics in the stars and stripes.

Hughes will make his second TA2 start at this weekend’s Two Days of Thunder event at Queensland Raceway.

The cameo makes sense with his next Super2 round with Image Racing at Townsville next weekend.

He knows how to get the job done on the Trans Am machines, having enjoyed a memorable debut.

The American style livery on the #118 Camaro.

In last year’s season finale, Hughes wowed at a soaked Calder Park, steering an AC Delco Mustang to victory in three of the four races.

But instead of jumping back in a Ford this weekend, he will be racing a Camaro for PHD Motorsport.

The #118 will stand out, proudly representing the seats and stripes thanks to backing from American Muscle Trucks.

After enjoying a successful debut, Hughes cannot wait to chase more victories around the “Paperclip.”

Jarrod Hughes with his new TA2 Camaro.

“I am very excited to make a return to TA2. It was such a great event and I had an awesome time at Calder Park,” Hughes told AUTO ACTION.

“I was very keen to come back and can’t thank Graham (Cheney) and Paul (Hadley) enough from PHD to have another go at the TA2 cars.

“I am looking forward to an awesome weekend.”

Reflecting on his Calder Park debut, Hughes said the unpredictable nature of the TA2 on a wet track suited his style.

“It was really good. The style of that car and track really suited what Paul (Morris) has taught me,” he said.

Jarrod Hughes celebrates his maiden TA2 Muscle Car Series victory at Calder Park last year.

“I love those cars but not going to lie, when we went into the first race I was thinking ‘gosh all I have heard is how bad these cars are in the wet’ but I really enjoyed it.

“Being low grip you are having to hang on the whole time.”

However, being in the Camaro will be a new challenge with slightly different aero even though the chassis are the same.

The mean looking Camaro.

The TA2 field has been further boosted by the arrival of Trans Am drivers Tom Hayman, Mark Bailey and John Holinger, while TFH Racing returns with Josh Thomas and Des Collier.

There will be three 12-lap sprints before an 18-lap finale with the four races spread across the weekend.

All the action from Round 3 can be viewed live on SBS Viceland, Fox Sports and Kayo.


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