

By Timothy Neal

The Phillip Island Auto Racing Club (PIARC) will celebrate its 70th anniversary with a jampacked weekend of motorsport at its spiritual home, the Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit.

The two-day closed event follows a busy month of action at the circuit that has seen Phillip Island Classic and Shannons Motorsport Australia Championships held with great success.

Saturday March 26, the official anniversary date, the club will host grass roots motorsports with Supersprints, a Round of the Victorian Motorkhana Championship, a Hill Climb and Scratch Races for Superkarts.

Sunday will feature open wheelers in the form of Formula 5000s and Formula Open (Libre) and Sedan racing with 2 Litre Sport Sedans, and PIARC’s Combined Sedan Category encouraging cars out of the shed and on to the track.

Off track festivities will include a members Show and Shine for Club Permit Plated vehicles and Cars of Special Interest with on track parade laps of the circuit plus a get together of PIARC members and drivers from the 50s to current day.

“This event is a showcase of what the club has offered and archived over 70 years and to be able to have the support of the circuit to display what the club is all about is fantastic and rings true our club mantra of providing “access to motorsport”,” PIARC Club President Nick Scarcella said.

The club’s involvement spans building the circuit and maintaining it from 1952 to 1956, racing from 1956 to 1962, 1967 to 1978 and 1990 to the present day.

In that PIARC has encompassed grands prix commencing at Calder in 1980 and Formula 1 from 1985 to 2022 in addition to all other forms of Club, State, National and International motorsport.

A total of 889 members have been part of the PIARC journey over the 70 years.

For more of the latest motorsport news pick up the current issue of Auto Action.