

Subaru TCR cars find new home - Photo: InSyde Media

By Bruce Williams

Subaru TCR cars find new home - Photo: InSyde Media

Subaru TCR cars find new home – Photo: InSyde Media

The two Subaru WRX STI TCR in Australia have found a new home with Milldun Motorsport taking over preparation and racing responsibilities from Kelly Racing.

After the cars were run by the Supercars squad for the first five rounds of the inaugural series, they had been set to sit on the sidelines for the remainder of the year with Kelly Racing deciding to focus to its two Holden Astra’s.

However the team, based in Pakenham, Victoria, has taken delivery of the two cars and will make its debut in the carsales TCR Australia Series at the final round at The Bend Motorsport Park, South Australia, next month.

“It’s really exciting to be involved in the TCR Australia Series,” said Liam Dunn.

“There is a lot of potential in the Subarus and we are really looking forward to the challenge.

“The success that the category has had in its first year has been huge, and its something that we definitely want to be a part of.

“We’ve gone over the cars and, fundamentally, they are quite good. There is a lot of potential there and I can’t see that there’s any reason why they won’t be as quick as some of the other cars in the category.”

The Subarus were originally built by Italian-based team Top Run Motorsport and brought to Australia for Kelly Racing who entered rally ace Molly Taylor and Supercars star Andre Heimgartner, who showed the WRX’s potential in the opening two rounds, running inside the top five on various occasions but had been plagued with a number of recurring mechanical problems at recent rounds.

Mildun Motorsport has an extensive history with rally cars which are not too dissimilar to the Subaru TCR machines. The team is also heavily involved in other racing categories such as sports cars, sports sedans, historic racing and recently entered Barton Mawer in the S5000 category at Sandown.

The team is currently undergoing an extensive rebuild of the two Subarus and is speaking with a number of potential drivers to compete at the final round at The Bend on November 15-17.

For more of the latest TCR Australia news pick up the current issue of Auto Action. Also make sure you follow us on social media FacebookTwitter, Instagram or our weekly email newsletter for all the latest updates between issues.